- drafting agreements and their consideration, negotiating of the content of the agreement
- cases concerning liability for non-performance of improper performance of the agreement
- vindication cases
- liability for tort (compensation for personal injury or injury to property, road traffic accidents, medical accidents, collapse of the structure or the detachment of any part thereof, liability for the operation of the enterprise, etc.)
- unjust enrichment
- property law (acquisition and loss of ownership, usacaption, protection of ownership, establishing and cancellation of co-ownership, perpetual usufruct, predial and personal servitude, transmission easement, possession)
- legacy cases (succession, partition of the estate, legitim, liability for succession debts, contracts concerning succession),
- family law cases (divorce and separation, matrimonial property regimes, division of spouses’ common property, alimony, legal custody)
- cases within the scope of employment relationship (liability for work accident, liability of the employer for dissolution of employment relationship contrary to the provisions of law, disciplinary liability of employees)